Network Security |
Network security is an ever-increasing concern in today’s business environment. We at Paragon have recognized this need and would like to help you address it. Paragon can have a professional test your network, website, and email for vulnerabilities and provide you with a complete report outlining the issues needing attention.
Just some of the areas that Paragon can test are:
- INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEMS (IDS): With the lengthy and in depth testing that Paragon provides, we will give you an overview of what your IDS detects and alerts you on.
- If you currently do not have an IDS system in place, that’s not a problem. One of Paragon’s professionals can evaluate your needs in an IDS system, recommend, and implement one for you.
- INTERNET SECURITY: We can also test and verify any known holes that exist in your website, mail servers, and any other host which touch the Internet. These holes may exist whether you host your own servers, or host your servers with a third party.
- SOCIAL ENGINEERING: Social engineering is the practice of using a non-technical kind of intrusion that relies heavily on human interaction and often involves tricking other people to break normal security procedures. Although not commonly used, social engineering is a very effective tool to test the knowledge of security procedures with your staff. When used in conjunction with other data, the information gathered through social engineering is priceless when trying to gain access to a secure network.
- GATEWAY SECURITY: The gateway is your company’s main connection to the open Internet. Our professionals at Paragon can verify how secure your Gateway is setup. With this inspection, we can tell you what ports are open, unprotected, and allow an open door to hackers.
- INTERNAL SECURITY: An estimated 80% of attacks occur from internal sources. Paragon can scan your internal network to detect any vulnerability that exists. We can detect any operating systems that are running and unsecured. Paragon can also overview your directory security to ensure that users only have access to documentation they need. Along with these tests we can verify that your Anti-virus is up to date and working properly.
- WIRELESS SECURITY: Many companies are now moving into wireless technologies. These technologies, while adding convenience, are a known vulnerability. We can ensure that your wireless network is set up with the maximum security allowed, as well as educate your personnel on the vulnerabilities associated with a wireless infrastructure.
- POLICY REVIEW: Security policies are as important as security itself. With an up to date policy in place it will allow your organization to control what is present on your network and the procedures for their use.
- If your company does not currently have a policy in place, Paragon’s professionals can assist your team in establishing one. Our staff, working closely with yours, can ensure that the policy is customized to fit your business model.