| Accounting and Financial Reporting |
| Accounts Payable |
| Accounts Receivable/Cash Receipts |
| Activity & Facility Scheduling |
| Budgets |
| Business Tax & Licenses |
| Fixed Assets |
| Human Resources/Payroll |
| Inventory |
| Miscellaneous Billing |
| Parking Tickets |
| Projects/Grants Accounting |
| Purchase Order Tracking/Encumbrance |
| Real Estate/Personal Tax Billing The municiPAL® Tax Modules are designed to assist you in the levy, billing and collection of Real Estate and Personal Property taxes, and can be interfaced directly with assessing agency files. Information is provided for properties and individual taxpayers.
- Multi-year history of tax billing & collections
- Tax levy books printed as needed
- Complete history of property transfers
- Prior year delenquent tax books also available
- Interfaces to a number of external agencies
- Customized interface to file generated by external assessing agency
- Interface provided to most major tax services and mortgage companies for billing and collection
- Interface to banks to process mass payments or lock box payment advice
- Ability to enter online exonerations, additions, missed billings, etc.
- Online search by
- Property number
- Taxpayer name
- Physical address
- Map locaion
- User-defined file set up
- Tax classes
- Tax rates
- Assessment breakout county/state
- Assessment breakout county/city/fire district
- Major Reports Available
- Tax book proofs
- Tax rolls
- Tax bills/reprint bills
- Delinquent bills
- Credit balance reports
- Prior Year delinquent tax roll
- Advertising list
| Service Request |
| Special Assessment |
| Time Attendance |
| Utility Billing |
| Work Management |